Monday, May 18, 2009

Black Universities and Colleges struggling during recession

You could probably say that some of the HBCUs were struggling before the recession began back in December 2007, but the past year and a half seems to be putting a death nail in some of them. Morris Brown lost it's accreditation years ago and for some reason there are still students enrolled there. Morris Brown and Paine College are both having financial problems right now and I think Allen University in Columbia isn't fairing to well either. I know some of the bigger HBCUs like Howard, Hampton, Morehouse, Spellman, FAMU etc will be able to weather the storm. Do you think some of the other ones will be able to survive the economic turmoil? These smaller institutions have been able to provide education to people who might not have been able to attend other institutions whether financially or institutional requirements.


  1. I'm wondering why this is affecting some of the HBCU's more so than other private colleges?

  2. I think it really has a big impact on the private HBCUs than the other ones. Colleges like Paine, Allen, and Benedict don't get much support if any at all to help run operations. Drop in enrollment is killing them to. Other private universities that aren't HBCUs are getting hurt to cause of drops in enrollment but their alumni are able to help them out but not as much as they cause of the recession.
