Friday, May 15, 2009

8 Super Food Swaps for Longevity


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good post. There is a show that comes on Lifetime on Mondays that focuses on cutting calories without sacrificing taste by using food swaps. If you can actually accept the fact that you are a man watching a show on Lifetime, you can probably learn something useful from it. I have yet to check it out, but sounds like an interesting show.

  3. Another good one is eating plaintain chips instead of potato chips. Mmmm mmm good. Less sodium, no fat, less calories just as good.

  4. I did not read the article that is the subject of this post, but I have given up beef and pork and only eat turkey, chicken, and fish. I make such foods as burgers and spaghetti with ground turkey. Half the fat, all the taste.
